Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy - Come and get RESTORED!

At Huronwood Physio & Rehab, our massage therapy services are tailored to benefit residents of Brampton area. Each massage therapist within our team is fully licensed and an engaged member of both the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario and the Registered Massage Therapists (RMT) Association of Ontario. Our range includes specialized deep tissue massage therapy, concentrating on soothing connective tissues and addressing muscular discomfort. With the objective of enhancing range of motion, flexibility, and overall mobility, our massage therapy endeavors contribute to a holistic approach towards well-being.

Massage therapy offered at Huronwood Physio & Rehab proves highly beneficial in enhancing overall health and well-being. This therapeutic practice involves the manipulation of soft tissues within the body, encompassing muscles, connective tissues, tendons, ligaments, and joints. By targeting issues such as occupational stress, muscular strain, and chronic pain, massage therapy effectively alleviates discomfort and fosters a sense of relief.

At The Huronwood Physio & Rehab, you can access effective Mississauga massage therapy services that contribute to enhancing your health and well-being. This therapeutic practice involves the manipulation of soft tissues within the body, encompassing muscles, connective tissues, tendons, ligaments, and joints. By targeting issues such as occupational stress, muscular strain, and chronic pain, massage therapy effectively alleviates discomfort and fosters a sense of relief. It’s important to note that our massage therapy is carried out by Registered Massage Therapists (RMTs), individuals who are duly registered with the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario (CMTO). To attain RMT status, one must fulfill stringent requirements including completion of education at a recognized massage therapy school, successful performance in provincial and national examinations, and consistent engagement in continuing education. Rest assured, all of our Massage Therapists are Registered Massage Therapists, accredited by the CMTO.


IMPROVED MENTAL HEALTH: Enhancing mental well-being stands as a prevalent advantage offered by massage therapy. Through the alleviation of depression symptoms and the enhancement of mood, massage effectively clears the mind, enabling patients to attain a sense of clarity. The positive impact of both intermittent and regular massage therapy is well-documented, contributing to a happier and more optimistic lifestyle for patients. Beyond mood enhancement, massage therapy also engenders sensations of comfort, nurturance, and connection, fostering a holistic sense of well-being.

REDUCING CHRONIC PAIN:A method to alleviate stress involves alleviating bodily pain, a common advantage attributed to massage therapy. By enhancing circulation, massage contributes to pain relief throughout the body. Furthermore, during a massage session, the body releases endorphins, natural pain-relieving compounds. These endorphins travel to the brain and nervous system, effectively diminishing pain and discomfort within the body. Numerous individuals opt for massage therapy as an alternative to medication and surgical interventions. Harnessing the potential of massage, patients can temporarily intercept chronic pain by intercepting pain signals from reaching the brain

SLEEP BETTER: Massage therapy induces a therapeutic state, promoting profound relaxation and stress relief for your muscles while simultaneously soothing your nervous system. This tranquility within your nervous system leads to a reduction in blood pressure, stabilization of heart rate, and the cultivation of gentle and deep breathing patterns. These advantageous effects work collectively to alleviate the strains and discomforts associated with everyday life, granting you a rejuvenated start. Come nighttime, you experience revitalization and swiftly attain a state of restful slumber.

RE-ENERGIZING YOUR BODY:The majority of individuals are engaged in desk-bound occupations, but this sedentary routine of 8 hours daily often leads to postural stress. This stress, in turn, triggers discomfort and weakness in the lower back and gluteal muscles. However, you can effectively counteract this strain through consistent massage therapy. Employing an array of massage techniques, therapists can facilitate your body’s relaxation and actively alleviate pain. This approach rejuvenates your body, preserving its well-being. While it may take time to discern the effects of daily life on your physique, regular massage therapy acts as a preventive measure, ensuring you remain shielded from these repercussions.

STRENGTHENING YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM: Massage therapy contributes to enhanced blood circulation within your immune system, a vital function in fortifying your body against infections and viruses. Research indicates that massage therapy has the capacity to boost the presence of white blood cells in the body. By fostering a robust immune system, individuals can effectively engage in their daily pursuits with heightened efficiency and vitality.


At Huronwood Physio & Rehab, we ensure every patient is treated with the utmost care. Every appointment is about you and your needs, with your treatment plan uniquely catered to you.

Here are some general pointers:

  • Our registered massage therapist learns about your medical history
  • We assess your needs
  • A treatment plan with goals is created for you